You have many options regarding how your loved one’s remains will be interred.
Finding the right funeral director and funeral home will ensure you understand your choices and requirements for your loved ones remains. Funeral Directors who are members of the National Funeral Directors Association are committed to ensuring you understand your choices and helping you select the final disposition that suits your family's needs.
Your funeral director will discuss all of your options, whether you choose a casket burial, urn burial, a scattering garden, a keepsake urn in your home, or other form of disposition. In any of these instances, a funeral and visitation can be held prior to interment. Speak with your funeral director about how a funeral can be beneficial in helping loved ones begin to grieve their loss. Your funeral director will also assist you with planning the details of the interment, such as working with the cemetery and/or crematory.
If you plan on having an open-casket viewing at the visitation, your funeral director will discuss your options regarding embalming. Embalming is the treatment (of a dead body) so as to preserve it, with chemicals, drugs, or balsams. You will also discuss how you would like your loved one dressed in the casket, including jewelry, and details such as makeup and hair style.
Depending on your choice of burial or cremation, your funeral director will provide you with options regarding caskets and urns. This is another important time to have an open discussion about costs, as the price of caskets and urns can vary greatly. Make your choice based on what you believe best honors your loved one but also respects your budget.
If you choose a casket burial, your funeral director will also ask you to identify pallbearers for the casket if you choose to have them.
Funeral homes that belong to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) are held accountable per NFDA’s enforceable Code of Professional Conduct, which outlines various ethical and professional practices to which NFDA member funeral homes must adhere. This self-driven set of standards raises the bar for funeral directors by ensuring the highest quality professional practices of NFDA members.
When you choose to work with an NFDA-member funeral home, you can be confident the funeral home’s staff will adhere to the highest standards of excellence when serving your family and taking your loved one into their care.
NFDA Pursuit of Excellence Award recipients have been recognized by the National Funeral Directors Association for their dedication to serving families and their community.
NFDA Green Funeral Practices™ Certificate program participants have met specific requirements for funeral homes that provide green funerals and natural burials in their community.